There is no such thing as a perfect world. To have a perfect world, everyone would have to be completely happy, which rules out compromises. Humanity's individuals all have their own morals, views, experiences, and standpoints. To obstruct, take away, or forbid any of those wouldn't make for a utopic world. It would be a dystopian. At any rate, to design my perfect world is hard for me, because nobody will agree fully. All the same, I'll try to design my utopian.
First, and foremost, equality. Now, in Harrison Bergeron, and in Anthem, they have equality by not allowing people to be better than their peers. Now I'd like a world where not everyone is necessarily equal, but everyone is given the same rights (except for criminals, maybe) and the same opportunities. This way, everyone has a chance, and it is their choice whether to pursue it or not. Today's society is similar but not everyone has equal rights or opportunities. Not everyone is paid the same for the same job. Those born rich have better opportunities than those born rich. I'd try to take that away. To institute equal pay. I'd try to end racism and sexism, and all other boundaries that separate us. I wouldn't force everyone to be the same, but I'd like everyone to be together with love in their hearts. Take away grudges from the past, and maybe we would come closer to being a utopic society. The only thing I'd have that's really personal is that rock music would be big again. But that's pretty much it (seriously I want my Led Zeppelin type bands). I hope you can agree somewhat when I say that grudges of the past are the instigators of a lot of the modern worlds problems. Take the grudges away, and maybe brother would no longer fight brother. Maybe peace would be achieved.