Two words, so often associated with each other in relationships, what's the difference between the two? There are several, I believe.
First I'll talk about liking someone. When you like someone, it's temporary. It's almost similar to a transition zone between being friends, and being something more than that. It's almost as if you're experimenting, seeing if it works, how it goes. Determining whether or not you may want to last with them. You're not sure if they're the type you'd spend the rest of your life with. It's not promised, and it can at times fade. It's more tame as well. More clear to see and easier to describe, as well as being relatively shallow at times. It's not a deep feeling, not like others are. More than often "liking someone" fades away. Because, you may lose interest or find that you don't care. Because liking someone is a shallow feeling. You could leave as quickly as you came. Give it all up and throw it away. Find that you were only interested in them for their looks (which isn't a problem I'll face). Liking someone is not really meant to last.
Love, on the otherhand, is permanent. It doesn't fade. It's there to stay, and it intends to. When you love someone, they're beautiful to you. You see their very soul. Everything they are is written out on their face. You find joy in simply being around them. Just talking to them can lighten your day and take away any kind of pain you'd been through. When you truly love someone, you're fine with just being friends, because you love them enough to accept it. You can be yourself around them, and they wouldn't want it any other way. It's not always fun, especially loosing them, or seeing them love someone else. But you don't mind them loving someone else. You don't care if they hurt you, or if they run over you. You just want them to be happy. Love is uncondtional, sometimes unrequited. The song Yellow by Coldplay comes to mind. You'd bleed yourself dry, jsut to see them happy. You'll always be there for them, whether they no it or not. When they hit their low, you want to help them back to the top. You would go to any length just to see them smile. But people, especially teenagers, they throw this word around whenthey don't even understand what it means. When you love someone, everything they do is perfect and taken to the heart. You would die for them. But many people make love into a battlefield. This is not what love is. Love is never a fight. It's something worth fighting for.
TERRIFIC! AMAZING! I love the statement that "many people make love into a battlefield. This is not what love is. Love is never a fight. It's something worth fighting for." Very profound response. Grade: 30/25