Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Face of Terror (Little Brother Prereading)

 Terrorism is horrific. The idea of causing terror for some ulterior motive has been around for years, and sadly, most forms of terrorist attacks involve an attack on innocent civilians. In the history of the United States alone, there have been several terrorist attacks, such as the Oklahoma City Bombing in the 1980's, and the one that will forever live in infamy; September 11th, 2001.The main purpose of these attacks was just to kill thousands of people and to cause as much terror as possible. See, that's what makes the idea of terrorists so genuinely terrifying. Their enemy is not your military, their enemy is you. The civilian, the innocent that just so happens to be in a country that has a lot of enemies. But we hear so much about terrorism, and the Middle East, we think we'd know what they look like. Right?

 Well go ahead and get rid of the idea I am sure you have. Don't picture a Middle Eastern man with a turban. While Islamic extremists are perhaps the most well known, there not all Middle Eastern. In fact, quite a few of them are British and French. There's also more than just Islamic
terrorists, as there is also plenty of other examples such as the Boston Bombing teenagers. Now that we have that down, what would they act like? I think they'd be of a more nervous, skitterey disposition. It makes sense, as the guilty tend to act as such. But that's not truly what I want to say.

 I believe terrorists are ruled by the same fears that we, the victims, are. Humans are subject to being inducted into orders that they may very well disagree with, such as a terrorist organization, out of fear of the same organization. So before you say that terrorists are all evil, remember the few that are ruled by terror.

1 comment:

  1. Great examples from American history. We have definitely learned over time that there is not one specific type of terrorist. Great point in your last paragraph, that fear rules us, but maybe provide more explanation to connect the fear of the innocent with the fear of the group member. Grade: 23.5/25 (late -5) = late grade: 18.5/25
